What would cause a fuel mixer screw to get stuck?

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What would cause a fuel mixer screw to get stuck?


Beitrag von Juggernaut »


It was newly installed when cleaned the carb, was easy to adjust with fingers but after a bit of time I checked today and it's completely stuck.

If I use pliers I can move it but its not easy.

Any thoughts?
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Re: What would cause a fuel mixer screw to get stuck?


Beitrag von Bigfoot »

Have you checked if there is any dirt or corrosion in the "hole" of the mixer screw?
The thread is very fine and partly exposed, the presence of dirt and especially salt water might lead to the screw getting stuck. If you can still turn it further inside (right) but not outside maybe carefully cleaning the exposed threads in the carb and a drop of oil might help.
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Re: What would cause a fuel mixer screw to get stuck?


Beitrag von El_Kaktus »
